Cooperative Nursery School
of Champaign-Urbana
The school where students,
parents, and teachers work together
The Cooperative Nursery School is a nonprofit, nonsectarian preschool that is owned, maintained, and administered by the parents of the children enrolled in the school. Its uniqueness lies in the coordination of efforts between the trained, professional teachers and the parents who assist in the classroom. Potty training is not a requirement for attendance in any classroom.

2's Classroom
The Coop is looking for new part-time Teacher for the Fall, 2020.
A School with History
The Cooperative Nursery School is also one of the oldest licensed preschools in our area. It was organized in 1946 when Dr. Katherine Whiteside Taylor, nationally prominent specialist in child guidance and parent education, joined the staff of the University YMCA to assist with a special program for veteran's families. Nursery school classes and a training course for parents were organized. From this beginning grew today's Co-op.
"One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, or how much money I had.
But the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
-Forest Witcraft