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A Typical Day


Upon entering school, each child and working parent must wash their hands before entering
the classroom.

The classroom teacher welcomes each child and parent upon entering the classroom.


Free Play
Large Group Meeting (Circle Time)

Welcome Song

Group Sharing

Calendar/Day of the Week

Secret Sack

Discussion about day’s activities



Play in Centers

Small group play in centers facilitated by the Teacher. Centers include block building, dramatic play, science/math, manipulative toys, art, books and books on tape.

One on one time with the classroom teacher in centers.


Music and Movement

Singing, dancing, rhythm instruments, finger plays, rhyming.



Nutritional snacks provided by Coop.


Quiet Reading Time

Children look at books by themselves or in small group.



Outdoor play



Depending on classroom, dismissal is from playground or classroom. 

© 2023 Cooperative Nursery School of Champaign Urbana

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